What follows are our terms & conditions for MillerMatics & Mechanical. Our goal is to provide the best in goods and services to you.
While most of the terms listed are obvious, there are a few that need further description. What follows are three terms that are used as defined below.
Additional Charge: These are charges or fees for additional work requested by the customer. Or, they are applied with the following conditions.
- Adjusted for Prices of the Supplier
- Result of Request or Conduct by the Customer
All additional charges will be explained as to their origin, but they are focused on one of the two conditions as stated.
Customer Supplied Items: These are any products or parts supplied by the customer for use as part of our work.
Loss: This relates to all expenses, lost profits, damage awards, personal injury, property damage, and legal costs of the party and supplier.
The following terms apply to all transactions that occur between the supplier and customer in relating to the goods or services applied. This includes all contracts, quotations, and related terms.
As the supplier, we may provide customers with verbal or written quotes for our services. All quotes are valid for 30 days, but subject to changes due to changes in the cost of goods as quoted.
All quotes are based on the estimated cost of goods and labour, including materials that are available.
As the supplier, we may amend the details of the quote in writing, over the telephone, or through SMS. All amendments supersede any previous details.
Invoices & Payment
An invoice will be issued upon completion of services which includes the following.
Amount: The total for the goods and services as set by quote, job card, and including additional charges. All payment terms will be stated in the invoice.
Overdue Amount: The amount is expected to be paid immediately upon completion of the work. Additional costs may be applied to any unpaid amount with the following.
- Legal Fees
- Storage Charges
- Interest
- Internal Costs & Expenses
Any unpaid amount after five days of completion of work and issuing invoice will subject the customer to $50 per day storage fee for their vehicle until full amount is paid.
We may exercise a lien on the vehicle and withhold any additional services or good until the entire amount is paid. In addition, we may charge an interest rate of 15% on any unpaid amount calculated daily.
If the amount is not paid within 30 days, we have the right to sell the goods under The Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act of 1967. The customer and supplier agree to comply with the provisions as stated in the Goods and Services Tax (GST) which falls under The New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act of 1999. Plus, any applicable legislation that governs the GST. At MillerMatics & Mechanical, we put our customers first.
The supplier, in this case MillerMatics & Mechanical, has the right to assign the title, benefit, interest, rights, estate, duties, and any obligations under the terms provided. Such duties and obligations of the supplier owed to the customer under such terms.
Exclusions & Limitations of Liability
The customer must acknowledge and agree that that supplier may, at their discretion, refuse to fit or use any customer supplied parts. In addition, there is no warranty provided by the supplier for the use of customer supplied parts or goods. And, MillerMatics & Mechanical will not take responsibility for any loss which stems from the use of customer supplied parts or goods.
This is to indemnify the supplier from experiencing any loss that is related to goods supplied by the customer that is applied to their vehicles.
Exceptions: As provided by the terms that express guarantees, warranties, or conditions found under general law or in specific statutes which applies to quality, description, fitness, or suitability of the goods, parts, or services as stated.
Our Goods & Services: The goods and services provided by our business cannot be excluded by Australian Consumer Law. You may cancel your service contract and receive a refund for the unused portion if there are major failures in the goods or services we provide.
If such failures are not major in nature, then the failure will be rectified in a reasonable time. If this fails to occur, then you are entitled to a cancellation of the contract and a refund for the goods and any unused portion. Plus, you are entitled to any compensation for any loss or damage as a result of the failure in the goods or services provided.
All terms are governed by the laws of Queensland. All parties must submit to the jurisdiction of the courts located in Queensland to resolve any lawful disputes. The terms will include any quotes that represent an agreement between the parties involved.
In this regard, the customer states that they have not relied upon a warranty, statement, or representation be it oral or written made by the supplier or any employees or agents of the supplier. This relates or is connected to the subject matter of the terms which have been expressed. If a provision in the terms becomes unenforceable or voided, the remaining provisions will stay in effect.
These are the terms and conditions that MillerMatics & Mechanical operates under for the protection of ourselves and our customers.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.